quarta-feira, março 16, 2011

Changing Times

Tuxedomoon – In The Name Of Talent (Italian Western 2)

He went through life sometimes crying,
Never trying, Sometimes crying,
The books that he read and the TV set,
All wasted time,
He began to think that his future lay in the hands of fate,
(You see) He'd move this way,
He'd move that way,
Or just hesitate,
It comes out the same,
He wondered what was to blame,
He travels light,
No excess baggage,
His religion saved him but there was a price to pay,
His friends could see it in the way he stared that day,
A life on over ride (repeats)


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Bom som. Embora a letra e o video clip sejam ambos algo deprimentes.

5:19 da tarde  
Blogger Paulo said...

Concordo. Mas a música faz-me lembrar um tempo de mudança pessoal e a letra não deixou de me estimular para essa mudança. Bj "anónimo".

9:54 da tarde  

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